Private Members Association
Declaration of Charter & Bylaws
A Private Ministerial Association
Awakening Alchemy Private Members Association
expressed into a private trust
Title number pa06-ept-10122022-pt
For the formation of Awakening Alchemy Private Members Association Organization for Spiritual Transformation with Reliance upon our Faith in Nature and Natures Creator
This Charter/Bylaws and Declaration of an Unincorporated Spiritual Ministry, founded as a Private Ministerial Association, hence forth known as Awakening Alchemy Private Members Association, is made this 12th day of December 2022, by Founding Trustees, a man: thomas mueller; daniel-shaer shepherd; who shall be known as the man: who at times act as the Trustees and Ministers of Awakening Alchemy Private Members Association
The rules of the Awakening Alchemy Private Members Association become law once you have agreed to join the association either as a free member or as a full member;
This association is created and organized to operate within the private domain as a Private Members Association;
The purposes for which it is organized are set forth in the Articles of Association, and in part are as follows;
The association, website, and any knowledge shared herein is provided by i, a man: thomas mueller and i, a man: daniel-shaer shepherd; on an “as is” basis, and remains the property of us, and of other man: or woman: who did create it;
Any man: or woman: who does use the knowledge shared through this association, website or any other outlet of the association do so as a man: or woman: only and take full personal responsibility for the said use;
i, a man: can only speak to you as a man: or woman: only;
All man: or woman: who donate or compensate for time, knowledge share, or property through this website or any other association outlet, do so as a man: or woman: in the private domain;
Any and all information that you provide to the association is done so in the private domain by man: or woman: in their private capacity;
We consider the information that you provide to be the private property of man: and woman: the association does respect your property and will keep the property of man: and woman: fully private;
The association does not store any kind of details of man: or woman:
Man or woman: who attend association events, be they online or offline do so at the risk of said man: and woman: As man: or woman:
Also said man: or woman: are responsible for the circumstances, emotions and actions of man: and woman: and take full responsibility for the results of the application of any knowledge share that is received at said events;
All man: and woman: alone are responsible for their own actions and or results from said actions, no other man: or woman: can be held accountable;
The association does record events and the association does share the recordings of such events for the purpose of assisting in the sharing of knowledge to more man: and woman: To this end man: and woman: who attend said events agree that the voice of said man: and woman: can be used and shared in such ways;
Awakening Alchemy Private Members Association, a Private Ministerial Association, establishes for this Ministry a Covenant of Silence;
This Covenant of Silence is between the Holder of Office and the individual man: or woman: members dealing in any secular and or spiritual relationship, document, and or matter involved in the relationship between the parties, which is considered private and consecrated;
The Trustees, Ministers, and Members are required to affirm acceptance and to observe this covenant and keep all private matters private until death;
The association has the right to change these laws from time to time as the association sees fit and your continued use of the association, the associations websites, social media accounts or email messages do signify the acceptance by man: or woman: of any and all changes to said laws;
These laws also apply to any and all events be they online or at a physical location.
© Copyrights by Tomaz Mueller. All Rights Reserved.